Mindmine Podcast

[070] Calanthe: The Blue Crystal | Episode #1 | Dungeons & Dragons Campaign [DnD 5e]



Calanthe: The Blue Crystal | Episode #1 | "Of Briffolk and Balant" | Dungeons & Dragons Campaign [DnD 5e] It's nine days away from Fifth Armistice Day - and five years since the War of the Lower Realms ended in the world of Calanthe. In Asternia, a mysterious man by the name of Charles Tenley has called on the Asternian denizens for aid: Hawyn, the Elder's daughter is missing, and Tenley claims she has been kidnapped and is in grave danger. Promising an exorbitant amount of gold to those that can help him find her, Tenley awaits in a camp near the town of Balant. But the Elder, Barras, has denounced Tenley for a charlatan, himself claiming that his daughter is on a diplomatic mission to the far off land of Wistfar. Our five heroes are drawn together in the search for Hawyn, but first, they must find Tenley, himself. Music and visuals by MANY talented artists. Some mixed and created by us. D&D campaign streamed LIVE every Saturday at 5 pm PST on Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mindminetv See the full p