Marc To Markets

Medical & Dental Practices Are Consolidating Like Never Before



You may have noticed over the past few years that your local doctor has joined a larger medical group or a hospital system.  Why did that happen?  As a physician, or as an advisor to a healthcare practice, you may be considering  selling a practice as a retirement plan or way to increase reimbursements and decrease expenses.  In this episode I speak with Daniel Brunello, a Director in the Bernstein Wealth Strategies Group, to learn more about consolidation in the healthcare industry.   We discuss who the top buyers of healthcare practices are and what motivates them.   Daniel covers strategies for handling the real estate associated with a practice and the best way to prepare the business to maximize sale price.  We also give our top tip for physicians trying to save for retirement who are not considering selling their practice.  With any questions or comments, or to discuss your own financial situation, I can be reached at or 212-969-6655.The information presented and opinions exp