Hyper Conscious Podcast

#60 - From Living In Her CAR, To Living Her DREAMS With Mariana Costa



NOT A MEMBER OF THE "HYPER CONSCIOUS NATION" YET? Visit www.thehyperconsciouspodcast.com to get access to our behind the scenes content, courses, training programs, articles and build your dream team!!! Taken from Mariana Costa's site https://www.dreamoncapecod.com/work-smarter-not-harder Mariana Costa is the CEO of DREAM Homes and Estates International and DREAM Business Solutions. She's also an author, coach, speaker, and a musician!!! Born in Belo Horizonte, Mariana arrived on Cape Cod from Brazil in July of 2001. Joining her mother for a predetermined amount of time in the U.S to develop her understanding of the English language, she was on a mission to absorb knowledge like a sponge absorbs water. As she personally describes her experience in the first few words of her book Leverage Your DREAM Business," from time to time you face those moments in your life that remind you of what essence you are really made of. This was one of them." Mariana Costa at the age of 17 years ol