Pure Hope

Energy, Angels and the Elements with Laurie Wondra



We are so excited to welcome guest, Laurie Wondra of Your Life Core.  Laurie’s earliest memories are of talking with Archangel Michael in the hallways of school when she was in 2nd grade.  In 4th grade, she began to channel and write with the help of a lovely ‘green energy’ that later became known to her as Archangel Gabriel and the Collective Light.   For as long as she remembers she’s been able to see loved ones that have crossed over.  Today she uses these gifts as a clear channel while working with people from all over the world to help them connect with their loved ones, angels, and guides.   Her ability to tune into the varying frequencies of the universe allow her to share this information and insight about past, present and future. Listen as she shares her wisdom and stories of connection!