Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

The Cure of Evil Speaking



We’ve all done it. Everybody does. Every day. We speak about somebody who is not present, whether we are complaining, cursing or casting them in a bad light. Though we are taught not to speak evil of any person, we do. But where are those who refuse to talk bad of others? At all? Jesus gives us plain instruction on how to deal with those who have hurt us, and as we follow his method, we will be cured of talking badly about anyone. Ever. Again. QUESTIONS • Have you ever learned another person spoke about you behind your back? How did that feel? What did that do to your relationship?  • Do you speak negatively about others when they are not present? Why? What makes it feel justifiable to do so? • How did this message make you feel? Does Jesus know what he’s talking about when it comes to dealing with the person who has hurt you? • Have you ever followed these steps? How did it turn out? • What will you do going forward instead of speaking evil of others? How can you honor God—and the person who hurt you