Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Stewards, Not Owners



When you take out a loan, you can use the money however you like, just as long as you pay it back when it comes due. Not so with a stewardship. A steward is not at liberty to do with what was entrusted as he/she likes, but only as the owner wishes it to be used. And God is the Possessor of heaven and earth and all it contains. Including your life. All that you have is his, and he will ask you to give an account of your stewardship in the end. Of your soul, your body, your stuff. How are you using it all for the glory of God? QUESTIONS 1. Have you ever managed someone else’s property? How was that different than owning property of your own? How far could you go in making decisions independently from the owner? 2. Have you ever employed somebody to manage your things? What were your expectations of this person? Did they meet your expectations satisfactorily? 3. Do you see yourself as God’s steward and not an owner of the things in your possession? If not, how would your life look differently if you managed ev