Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Moses: Objecting to God’s Call



When God calls us to confront injustice or stand against a bully, we often protest, “Who am I? I don’t feel equipped? What if they listen?” Moses did the same when God called him to confront Pharaoh, and with each objection God answered with his own sufficiency. What is God calling you to do that you are giving excuses to him about? He will answer every concern and do amazing things through you for his glory. QUESTIONS 1. Name a time you felt God impressed upon you something he wanted you to do, but you felt inadequate, ill-equipped or fearful. Did you go through with it? How did it play out? Did God show up and answer your concerns? 2. How prepared do you feel about telling somebody about God’s story? How about your own story, of what God has done in your life? How could you call somebody to include God’s story into their story and follow him? 3. How confident are you about who God is—the eternal, self-existent, self-sufficient God? Reflect upon who God is and see what that does for your confidence to speak