Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 37 – What is 5G? Samsung's New Phones



Our News Roundup this week covers three new items: Android's early developer preview of Android N; the conclusion of the Apple eBooks trial; and the debut of Amazon's first live TV show. Our Question of the Week is "What is 5G? And should you care?" and piggybacks on an article Jan wrote for Techpinions on Monday offering something of a primer on the technology. We talk through the first four Gs briefly, and in particular talk about what's unique about 4G, before moving on to where the process of defining 5G has got to, and when you're likely to be able to actually use it. Our third topic is Samsung's new phones, which were reviewed by many publications this week. We discuss the consensus from the reviews as well as what the phones seem to signify about the state of Samsung. We wrap up as ever with our Weekly Pick, which is another cooking-themed recommendation from Aaron. As usual, you’ll find some links to related content as well as other ways to listen to the podcast on the website at podcast.beyonddevic.