Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 38 – Apple Event Preview, Apple News Opens Up



Our News Roundup this week covers: * The announcement by navigation company HERE that it will discontinue its apps for Windows 8 and Windows 10 * Sony's big PlayStation VR announcement * A Recode article about a healthcare startup that's working on an electrocardiogram that will work with the Apple Watch (and is led by Vic Gundotra, who formerly ran Google+). We decided to forgo our usual Question of the Week this week and instead make a preview of Apple's event next week our main topic for discussion. We discussed Jan's Techpinions post last week about the iPhone SE and how that might be priced and positioned, and also talked about the prospects for a revamped iPad Air. Our final topic for the week was the announcement about Apple News being opened to all comers. We realized we haven't really discussed Apple News much on the podcast so far, so we had somewhat of a broader discussion about its prospects too. Next week, Jan will be at the Apple event in person, and we hope to do a quick episode shortly after