Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 59 – Tim Cook's 5 Years, Intel IDF Announcements



Our News Roundup this week covers the Backchannel article about Apple's AI efforts; Spotify, Amazon, and Pandora's attempts to negotiate new rights deals with music labels; and the shutdown of John Gruber's Vesper note-taking app for iOS (and what it says about the state of the App Store and the app economy more broadly). Our Question of the Week is "How should we view Tim Cook's first five years as Apple CEO?" and builds off the blog post Jan did this week with lots of charts comparing Apple at the beginning and end of Tim Cook's first five years. We talk about how Apple has changed, what Tim Cook has done differently (notably increasing R&D spend), and his biggest successes and failures during his time as CEO. There's a link to the post in the show notes for today's episode. Our third segment is a discussion of Intel's announcements from its big developer event last week. We talk about the emphasis on specialized silicon and non-traditional devices for Intel, the focus on sensors and their many applicatio