Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 60 – Social Media Insights, Apple Event Preview



In our News Roundup this week, we talk about the EU's action against Apple with regard to its Irish tax arrangements; Facebook's firing of the editors who used to handle its Trending Topics section, and the somewhat predictable results; and the news from the first day of German tech trade show IFA, which kicked off on Wednesday. Our Question of the Week this week is a little different, in that instead of asking each other questions as we usually do, we've brought a guest on. Alison Faulkner is the creator of the Alison Show, who's an event producer, a writer and an Instagram and social media personality. We had Alison on because she knows far more about social media and making money on social media than either of us do (she has over 80,000 Instagram followers and 15,000 YouTube subscribers, among other things). Aaron interviewed Alison – who happens to be a neighbor of his – and asked her about what she does, how she does it, and the business of social media. Our third segment is a preview of Apple's event