Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 62 – Verily Overview, iPhone Reviews Review



Our News Roundup this week covers the ongoing fallout from the Samsung Galaxy Note7 battery problems; the story that Amazon is going to be experimenting with a 30-hour work week for some of its employees; and the expansion of comment filtering functionality to all users by Instagram. We discuss each of these topics for a few minutes and talk about the context and implications. We'll likely do a Question of the Week next week on consumer product recalls using the Note7 recall as a jumping-off point. Our Question of the Week this week is "What is Verily and what does it do?" This question builds on a piece Jan wrote for Techpinions Insiders contrasting Alphabet and Apple's approaches to the healthcare space, with Verily being Alphabet's Life Sciences subsidiary (formerly Google Life Sciences). We talk through what Verily is, who runs it, what it's intended to accomplish, its internal projects and its partnerships with other organizations, and lastly how it's perceived within the broader life sciences community