Beyond Devices Podcast

Episode 85 – Uber's Ethical Vacuum, Mac vs PC



This week's News Roundup covers the Wikileaks CIA leak on device hacking and the misreporting that's been happening around it this week; two "fake news" stories – Facebook's commencement of its flagging of fake news and Google's failure to surface true news in its search snippets feature; and reports that Nest is working on some new smart home gear. Our Question of the Week is "Can Uber be saved from itself?" Uber has been through the ringer the last few weeks as a result of a set of mishaps largely of its own making, but there's also a long history of questionable, immoral, and illegal behavior as well as poor treatment of both employees and drivers at Uber. Aaron walks us through the ethical shortcomings that lead to behavior like this, and how Uber could change for the better, based on experience from other companies and his expertise as an ethics expert. Our Third Segment is a conversation about the narrative that seems to be emerging about Windows PCs gaining on the Mac and to some extent becoming "coo