Beyond Devices Podcast

Week 100 – NR – Google & EU, Facebook 2 Billion, Amazon Echo Show Reviews



This week's News Roundup episode focused on three major news items, plus one smaller related one. First up, we discuss the European Commission's action against Google over Google Shopping integration in search, including a 2.4 billion Euro fine. Secondly, we discuss Facebook's announcement of 2 billion monthly active users and its significance, as well as a subtle shift recently in Facebook's focus. In the context of those two items about giant companies, we also talk briefly about the Canadian Supreme Court's ruling that Google needs to take down links in search to IP-infringing product listings not just in Canada but globally and the ramifications of that ruling. Lastly, we discuss both the formal reviews released this week of Amazon's Echo Show and Jan's own first impressions on using the device for a couple of days. As usual, the show notes below include links to all these stories on Tech Narratives. News stories we covered: • Google & EU: Jan's Tech Narratives piece (no paywall): https://www.technarra