Beyond Devices Podcast

Week 103 – QotW – Apple Health And Wellness



After a couple of weeks' break, we're back with another Question of the Week, this time focused on Apple's health and wellness products and services and the ecosystem it's built around them. Jan attended a set of briefings last week in which Apple laid out its portfolio and that of its device and software partners, and it makes for a good jumping off point for an evaluation of the breadth of Apple's portfolio in this space, and the value third parties add. We run through a brief history of Apple's efforts in this area, then discuss the current state of things across five major domains – Activity, Mindfulness, Nutrition, Sleep, and Medical. Lastly, we talk about where things might go from here. Here are some links relevant to today's discussion: • Jan's Techpinions column summarizing the recent briefings is here: Jan also mentioned the new Tech Narratives Podcast, which you can find on SoundCloud (