Beyond Devices Podcast

Week 110 – QotW – Mark Bergen On Alphabet And Google



As with our last Question of the Week episode, this one is an interview rather than a discussion between Aaron and Jan. This time around, Jan talks to Mark Bergen, who is the Alphabet and Google beat reporter at Bloomberg, and previously did the same job at Recode. As such, he's one of the most knowledgeable people out there about what's going on both at Google and the broader set of Alphabet companies, and has lots of interesting thoughts about all of them. We talk about the Alphabet structure and how that's working out for the company, some of the other bets including Google Fiber, Verily, Calico, and DeepMind, as well as the non-core parts of Google itself like the enterprise cloud business. We also talk through some of the recent political flak Google is taking from both sides of the aisle and what the company's prospects are long term. Here are some links relevant to today's discussion: • Mark's articles on Bloomberg: • Mark on Twitter: https://t