Beyond Devices Podcast

Week 111 – NR – Facebook Ad Targeting, Amazon Buying Channels, Apple Roundup



This week's news was rather dominated by Apple, but we did still find some other things to talk about in our News Roundup episode. We kick things off with news that Facebook (as well as Google and Twitter) has been offering advertisers the option of targeting users by some pretty unpleasant terms including several antisemitic ones. Secondly, we talk about news from NBC that Amazon is looking at buying several less-watched TV channels from big traditional TV companies that are looking to offload them. And we couldn't help but cover some of the Apple news that emerged later in the week, both related and unrelated to Tuesday's announcements.  The show notes below include links to all these stories on Tech Narratives and original sources as appropriate. News stories we covered: • Facebook, Google, and Twitter Ad Targeting: A good roundup from Bloomberg: Tech Narratives take ($): https://www.technarrative