Beyond Devices Podcast

Week 116 – NR – Samsung Dev Conf, Pixel 2 Reviews, Netflix Earnings, IPhone Rumors



On this week's News Roundup, we kick things off with Samsung's Developer Conference and the announcements the company made there, which were more strategic and big picture in nature than most of its hardware announcements. Secondly, we talk about the reviews for Google's Pixel 2 smartphones, which were published this week and were a surprisingly mixed bag, especially with regard to the displays on the larger phones. Third, we cover Netflix's earnings, which kicked of the Q3 earnings season earlier this week, and lastly we talk about the two big sets of iPhone supply and sales rumors currently floating around. The show notes below include links to all these stories on Tech Narratives and original sources as appropriate. News stories we covered: • Samsung Developer Conference: Jan's piece on Techpinions: Samsung press releases: • Pixel 2 Reviews: Techmeme roundup: https://www.te