My Kind Of Weird With Richard Minkley

Documentaries, Leftlion and Winning awards with Film Maker Georgie Scurfield - My Kind Of Weird



You may recognise todays guest towering over Shakespeare street. She is on a massive poster, with her camera near a swimming pool, your guess is as good as mine. Its Georgie Scurffield, Internationally award winning film maker and NTU graduate. I’m really excited about this one, because Georgie really comes to life when i spoke to hear about what its like to be creative, not as an individual, but when you’re there doing it. I loved it, i hope you do to, but before all that, as is my want, I asked her what she’d been up to this week. Welcome to my kind of weird. I’m Richard Minkley and in this podcast I’m going to interview the fascinating creative people around Nottingham.