My Kind Of Weird With Richard Minkley

The Lace Market Theatre and a life in amateur dramatics with David Nightingale



If you find yourself getting a drink in the lace market theatre, just to the left of the bar, you can see a small plaque up on one of the roof beams. It lists the names of the people responcible for turning a disused chaple into nottinghams leading amateur theatre for the last fourty odd years. Of those names, David nightingale is the only one still standing. You will be hard pressed to find a man who has put more hours into Nottingham theatre and we are lucky enough to have him as our guest on today’s episode. We cover great big swathes of Davids life, especially before the lace market and the run up to its creation. Welcome to my kind of weird. I’m Richard Minkley and in this podcast, I’m going to interview the fascinating creative people from around Nottingham.