
#83: Should you be paid to follow your passion?



What job should you take? In my experience as a millennial (and in particular, a white, middle-class millennial with a lot of privilege), I've heard a lot of messages about how I deserve to be paid to follow my passion.  We live in a time of the startup, of the hustle, of the grind. And we also live in a time where we (millennials) will change jobs 7+ times over the course of a career. Are we hustling and grinding and changing it up in search of the perfect job? Should we be paid to follow our passion? In this week's podcast, I explore this question and share some stories about what it really felt like for me to be paid to follow my passion full-time. I'm not trying to make a prescription for you, but rather offer a different way of thinking about what we want and need out of a job.  So dig in. Forward to someone who needs some perspective. mailing list: website: twitter: instagram: