
Ep. 56 Interview Dr. Catriona Walsh and Mollie Brewer: MRI Contrast Agents Can Wreck Your Body



Dr Catriona Walsh helps people suffering from toxicity caused by MRI contrasts. Using diet, lifestyle and supplements, she helps them recover their health. Dr. Walsh is a graduate of Cambridge University, England, and Queen's University, Belfast. She practiced pediatric medicine for a decade and a half. While working as a consultant pediatrician, she developed a fascination with nutrition and lifestyle, and how they can improve the health of people suffering from chronic illness. Her experiences with chronic ill health led to a diagnosis of hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hEDS). EDS is an inherited connective tissue disorder. During investigations for hEDS, Dr Walsh had a contrast MRI. She still suffers the toxic side effects. Following her experiences with MRI contrast toxicity, Dr Walsh authored the book: Contrasts: More than meets the MRI – Demystifying the Devastating Damage Due to Gadolinium Contrasts and Some Natural Steps You Can Take to Reverse Those Dreadful Effects Using Diet and Life