1&1s With Evelyn Siguenza

1&1s | Jen Swen



Meet Jen! Or better known as Jen Swen amongst the crew. Jen Swen, is someone who during her time with Cat & Cloud has done it all. She’s worked with the company as a barista helping open our Abbott Square location to then taking a position as one of our roasters early on when the roastry was in our Portola location. She’s now the roastry coordinator roasting those sweet baby beans y’all enjoy in your cup everyday as well as helping train our new roasters. Aside from what she has and is doing, she’s also traveled with us to various educational trips such as an origin trip to Honduras, SCA, and a wholesale trip visiting our partners down in Southern California. She may be very soft spoken and of few words but she means business and works with much intensity and focus to bring everyone only the best the of best. the goods: https://catandcloud.com