Sydney Sexual Health Centre

Co-design and consumer engagement: successes in sexual health



Welcome to the newest episode of the new Sydney Sexual Health Centre podcast! You might be familiar with some of the innovative services that have contributed to Sydney Sexual Health Centre's reputation as a leader in sexual health and HIV. We've pioneered the community-based peer-led testing model of a[TEST] and disrupted routine screening with the introduction of fast-track Xpress clinics. But you may not know that these innovative programs and services have come out of a co-design process involving consumer and community stakeholders. We're hearing a lot about co-design and co-production in healthcare lately and we want to share some examples of how involving health consumers in design of our services has worked for us. This episode features Vickie Knight, who is our Clinical Nurse Consultant, and Shaun Powyer, who is manager of a[TEST] at ACON. More on Sydney Sexual Health Centre: More on a[TEST]: More on ACON: Host: Heather Mc