Sydney Sexual Health Centre

The "war on bottoms" - Fighting the poppers ban



Poppers, also known as Amyl, are terms given to chemicals of the class Alkyl Nitrites. They are used by many gay and bisexual men as they have a relaxation effect on involuntary smooth muscles, and can assist in bottoming during anal sex. In June 2018, Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) motioned to reschedule alkyl nitrites to be in the same category as heroin and cocaine (Schedule 9). This was met by criticism from the LGBTIQ community for being discriminatory. A coalition of activists, doctors, and policy professionals joined forces to oppose the ban. After community consultations, the TGA decided not to proceed with the ban - though the outcome has left many wondering what comes next? In this podcast I am joined by two of the community activists involved in defeating the proposed ban on poppers: Steve Spencer and Daniel Reeders. To find out more about the ban, and how to access poppers safely and legally, go to: To stay up to date with the latest infor