52 Founders

Episode 45: Pete Janes, ShieldPay



In this episode, you’ll hear about: -The story behind ShieldPay’s origin, and why the company isn’t targeting the friends and family transaction space -How many UK startups use the country as a testing ground for ideas before scaling out into alternative markets such as the U.S. -Why Pete decided to enter the Techstars Barclays accelerator, even though he -already was a serial founder -How aspirations to play professional rugby eventually led Pete to a career in media, and later, his first startup venture -Why raising too much capital can kill a startup, and what to consider when accepting venture funding -How playing sports for the majority of his life instilled in Pete the importance of diversity on teams At the end, Pete shares another London startup he’s a big fan of, in addition to the entrepreneur he’d most want to interview (hint: he’s also from the UK).