Lucky Roland

TRE.04 - Kirilly Lowcock



Straight up - this chat with Kirilly from earlier this year about her organisation Indigenous Doulas was one of the most impactful conversations I’ve ever had. As a white bloke in Australia, I know that I’ve got the easiest go of it out of everyone on the entire planet. I don’t know what it’s like to suffer discrimination based on my gender or race, so talking to Kirilly - a fiercely driven Indigenous Australian woman - about childbirth and racism was quite frankly an intimidating prospect. But as politically loaded as these subjects can be, I reckon there‘s only one way to bridge gaps in understanding between socially disparate groups, and it’s by talking! Honestly and respectfully, with no agenda but to learn. Luckily for me, Kirilly was patient, eloquent and passionate, and it didn’t take me long to realise that I was communicating with a soul who has been around the traps for a hell of a lot longer than most. I still feel really privileged for the opportunity to have had this discussion on the banks o