Real Dummies

Ep. 43 - Heart Of Stone



Oh geez! here we go again! Maybe this time Matt will take his shirt off, or Dana and Angus will finally kiss! Who knows! All I can tell you, is our hero Brad Roberts and his fiery musical warriors need to be talked about... Over a few drinks. Need I say more? Well TOO BAD. Because I refuse to hold your hand anymore. You're just going to have to slap on those shitty earbuds you bought for $30 at "The Source" that you instantly regret purchasing, get out your favourite blanket, make a nice cup of peppermint tea, maybe take a couple deep breaths to wash away all the negative emotions of the week, and get ready to listen to 3 morons talk about some really incredible stupid shit. I can only show you the door, you are the one that has to walk through it!