Cardiff University

The Long History of Windrush - Russell Hargrave



Guest lecturer Russel Hargrave takes a critical look at the long history of the Windrush Scandal and the UK’s difficult past with the politics of immigration. Russell also explores the history of the UK’s ‘Hostile Environment’ policy in this post hosted on the Cardiff University Politics and Governance Blog: Russell Hargrave is a senior reporter for Civil Society News, and as a freelance journalist has worked for dozens of platforms including The Times, ITV, Prospect and Devex. He is the author of 'Drawbridge Britain: Love and Hostility in Immigration Policy', and previously worked with the Liberal Democrats as a policy advisor. (Photo: c/o New Philanthropy Capital) Clip of Margaret Thatcher on World in Action: Clip of Nick Robinson doing vox pops on immigration: Image of President Trump and the American Flag: