Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast

Announcing Sherwood Celtic Music Festival Reunion



It always helps when you’re announcing big news that you do it in a timely fashion. Alas, this show was recorded a month ago after said news was released. Oh well! Enjoy the show. Favorite thing about the digital age Marc DJing in high school Andrew’s Star Wars Podcast project Starting late at gigs Run-ins at the Georgia Renaissance Festival Marc’s family vacation in Ireland Release of Ichabod Zeuss CDs Andrew recording on my CDs Trivia Question: What song appears on our CD more than any other? Brobdingnagian Bards Reunion Show at Sherwood Celtic Music Festival Song requests for the reunion? Hedgehog-free zone, Certificate of Authenticity Hunger Games-review Getting Old and Becoming Your Parents In Dumbledore fashion Looking forward to The Hobbit   Music: “The Kiss” from Gullible’s Travels “Lanigan’s Ball” from Songs of Ireland “The Orange and the Green” from by Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales “The Scotsman” from A Faire to Remember