Future Jam

Back To School Jam



Pat, a teacher, joins us to discuss back to school tech, the hyperloop, Tesla bot, a new insulin delivery device, Amazon's new department stores, and you can take a quiz with us! Sh%T that will Never Happen Elon Musk says Tesla is working on humanoid robots- Link Tech News Bytes Amazon is reportedly planning to open mini department stores- Link  OnlyFans bans 'sexually explicit conduct,' but nudity is still okay- Link Facebook is testing Reels in News Feed and Groups in the US- Link This ingestible robot delivers insulin to your body without external needles- Link Virgin Hyperloop unveils new pod concept video- Link Panasonic’s wearable speaker will literally blow your mind if I’m seeing this image right- Link Tech RIP Google is shutting down the Android Auto phone app- Link Back to School Tech Discussion Quiz Show