1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

004: Reaching out is Scary feat David Peters (Marine)



Episode four features Marine veteran David Peters. David was a Marine Security Guard posted in Bratislava when he was prepared to kill himself. Luckily, a phone call home and some inner courage got him into the embassy nurse’s office to get the help he needed. Its been an uphill battle for him since then, but he finds himself in a good spot in life and has willingly come forward to share his story with us. Dr. Craig Bryan, at the University of Utah Veteran Studies Center, chimes in at the end to touch self sacrifice and other self reliance values inside the military. I want to reiterate a few points made at the beginning of the show: RESPECT my guests Do NOT call them out if they’ve chosen to be anonymous Share this with those you feel would benefit Be sure to take something from each episode This project has reached success because of my Kickstarter supporters and sponsors. This week’s sponsor is the Emotion Vitality Assistant, a veteran founded and veteran focused apparel company. My resource for the week