1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

030: I Still Struggle with This (Momentary Reflections)



I got into another one of my “funks” recently. This past weekend, I became frustrated with life and started feeling guilty about the past. I’m sure this is something many of you can resonate with. I want to reiterate a couple points I’ve been making in these momentary reflections: none of this is a quick fix and it is something you’ll battle more than once after you “recover.” I still struggle with these emotional issues. I’m able to better identify what is going on now, as I mentioned in a previous post, but I still get sucked into the quicksand of doubt, guilt, shame, and woe. For those of you keeping score at home, you noticed there wasn’t an episode released on Monday. I couldn’t collect my thoughts well enough to finish it and I didn’t want to release something that was forced. I also didn’t want to release a message that supported an idea that I was not implementing myself. There’s a great story about Gandhi (taken from James Altucher’s blog): A woman walks with her son many miles and days to come to Ga