1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

052: Thank You for the Reminders (Momentary Reflections)



“Today, we reached a milestone. I now know more vets who have died due to their own hand than the enemy. Thanks for all you do with this issue, man, but it sometimes seems overwhelming.” That’s a message that I received last night. Unfortunately, I receive messages like this often. When someone loses a loved one to suicide – veteran or not – I’ll receive a message. Sometimes I get updates with a running count. Sometimes they’re admitting their own personal struggles. For some, it’s the first message they’ve ever sent me. 1, 2, Many took a break over winter. I needed to refocus, reorganize, obtain some new material, and get some technical things worked out. To finish the post, listen to the podcast or go to One2ManyProject.com/52