1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

055: No one Cares about Veteran Issues (Momentary Reflections)



No one cares about veteran issues. I hear this statement far too often. Before you get too discouraged by this idea, let me reassure you that it is not true. There are millions of people that care about the well being of veterans. Recently, IAVA’s founder, Paul Rieckhoff, was on The Nightly Show. He referenced the Arizona VA scandal and claimed, “no one gave a shit.” I scoffed as soon as I heard it and I felt sorry for every veterans advocate that was watching. Not only were there people who cared about the scandal, but also that event led to the resignation of Secretary Shinseki and the appointing of current Secretary, Bob McDonald. To finish the post, listen to the podcast or go to One2ManyProject.com/55-2