Ladies Get Paid

Asking for money is awkward. Karen Cahn will help you get over it.



Serial entrepreneur and founder of new crowdfunding platform iFundWomen, Karen Cahn, has dedicated her career to making taboo subjects well, less taboo. Ladies Get Paid used her platform to raise over $100k from 2,000 people in order to pay for their legal fees. (If you like, legal fees whaaaa?! Check out the first Ladies Get Sued episode.) “My mantra is all the money for all the women now,” says Cahn, who has developed a career around supporting the female economy. “The reality is: Money is power, and when women are financially independent…we can control our own destiny. That’s what I’m all about as a person and an entrepreneur.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iFundWomen, the fundraising ecosystem for women-led startups and small businesses, is thrilled to offer LGP Members a 15% discount on all professional video production and private coaching services, all designed to help you