Music Therapy Conversations

Ep 31 Sarah Metcalfe (Playlist for Life)



Sarah Metcalfe is CEO of Playlist for Life, the music and dementia charity founded by writer and broadcaster Sally Magnusson. Under her leadership Playlist for Life has established a growing UK network of community Help Points and was recently awarded £1.6million by the National Lottery to scale up playlist-use across the UK. Sarah was a Commissioner on the ILC Commission on Dementia and Music and is one of the steering group advising on BBC Music Day. She has been a speaker and advocate for the power of playlists at events including the NHS Innovation Expo, the International Palliative Care and Dementia Conference and on radio and TV. Prior to Playlist for Life she worked in policy, campaigns and community organising. She lives in Glasgow with her husband Jim and children, Rosa and Ally. Her playlist includes Baby Beluga and the Brandenburg Concertos. Luke and Sarah consider the overlaps between Playlist for Life and the work of music therapists, including exploring concepts such as 'musical relationship' an