Planet Boomerville For Baby Boomers With Jim Enright

Has anyone told you “I’d pay for that. You should sell these!” EP 56.



Are you a Gifter, Baker, Crafter, or Maker? Has anyone ever told you that the item you made was so unique you should start a business and sell your product? You can keep it small and earn enough for a vacation with the grandkids or take it further. You have the skills. You can learn the rest. Jim Enright interviews Sue Monhait, founder of Gift Biz Unwrapped who specializes in turning hobbies into skills and businesses. Boomers winding down from their corporate life or are in retirement can draw on the things that they have learned over the years to create a thriving business. Sue provides various examples of people who have managed to set-up flourishing businesses. She believes that the combination of vision, smart pricing and a sound promotional strategy is necessary for success in business and emphasizes the importance of outsourcing certain tasks. Tune-in and get inspired in this next phase of your life by tapping into your creative, and perhaps entrepreneurial, side.   Time Stamped Show Notes: ●     01:04