Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

246_PK_246__ The Life Coaches Secret Weapon: Baby Steps



In today's podcast: The Life Coaches Secret Weapon: Baby Steps, I'm going to give you an exercise, us coaches use time and time and TIME again on our clients. My client’s successes have been phenomenal and their ability to move mountains to achieve, what at the outset seemed impossible, is testament to the fact that my coaching exercises work. They really work and I’m going to give you some of them here for free. Don’t get me wrong, nothing can beat the skill of a coach to bring you world class results in your pursuit of your ultimate goal. A skilled coach will motivate you like no other and speed up the whole process to achieve what you want to achieve not only properly, but in less time. BUT that doesn’t mean you can’t get the results you want on your own. You certainly can and in this podcast: The Life Coaches Secret Weapon: Baby Steps, I’m going to show you how. So, are you ready to begin your revolution?