

The Winding Stairs Episode 4:  Veiled in Allegory Freemasonry is described elegantly as a Science of Morality, Veiled in Allegory and Illustrated by Symbols. If there is nothing sinister in a science of morality, then why should it be veiled? On this episode we explore the reasons behind the allegorical teaching method and how well it works with the human mind. We introduce two new segments to our program: Masonic History Masonic Conspiracies by Bro:. Robert Johnson from Whence Came You? Podcast. Masonic History Masonic Apron Protects County Documents During the civil war, In Brunswick County Virginia, an act of benevolence, perhaps brotherhood, saved the county records from being destroyed. On May 15, 1864, Union troops were approaching the courthouse. The reputation that preceded this troops was an unnerving one for the county officials; especially since in addition to burning bridges and cutting confederate communication lines, some union troops were burning down the historical records as they moved throug