

How does a Meaningful Lodge Experience look like? When you first set foot into a stated meeting as a Master Mason, was the experience everything you expected it to be? Do you think that your Lodge's meetings have room for improvement? On this episode of The Winding Stairs, I sit down with Bro. Manny Lozada of Orange Blossom Lodge No. 80 in Sunny Kissimmee, Florida. We had a conversation about how we can make our Lodge meetings more memorable and meaningful.  Listen as we share some small and easy to implement improvements that can have a big impact long term.  We hope you find this episode edifying.   Support for The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast This program is made possible in part by the generous support of our exclusive group of supporters on   In this episode we would like to extend a special thanks to: Stephen Johnston Bill Short Your support helps us share more Light with Brothers around the world. Thank you.  Join our Exclusive Group of Supporters When you choose to join our exclu