Side Quest Podcast

What Are YOUR Values? (Why I Train Part Deux)



While training one of my clients one day, I asked her why getting a pull-up was more important than a chin-up for her.   Her reason was simple: "if I'm hanging from a ledge and can't do a pull-up to save my life, I'd be mad at myself for dying that way."   That stuck with me for awhile. And even more so recently, I had an email come in, as well as a conversation with my wife, about why I do what I do.   Why do I track calories every day? Even though, I could eyeball it or follow simple rules to stay in maintenance.   Why do I train five days a week?   Why do I constantly try and better myself?   It all has to do with values.   This is a bit of an update from a former post and early podcast episode.   But it's not just about ME. I had an email come in from a listener and we chatted about why this---training, nutrition, and dedication---lifestyle is important to us.   In this episode I cover:   80/20 Principle You're not alone Finding your why Our relationships with food You may be someone's inspiration Watchi