Side Quest Podcast

A Carolina Blue Dream (What Could Have Been)



This is the audio version of a previous post on the site that you can read here.   From the start of November until the madness of March, my life becomes obsessed with college basketball. During those months, my heart and soul belong to my favorite team: The Tarheels of North Carolina.  As a kid growing up, I had one and only one dream — that I would become a basketball player. This desire was sparked, one by my undying love of the University of North Carolina (I was raised by ardent Tarheel fans) and the fact that my favorite basketball player—like all 90s kids—was Michael Jordan  Everyone wanted to be like Mike; I was no exception. What no one told me, however, was that I needed more than dreams. I needed to work---hard.  And, though, I'm not in the NBA today, every time I see a redhead sitting on the bench for the Tarheels, I'm reminded of what could have been. If I'd only given half a shit and actually tried. This guilt is what drives me today to make my dreams come true.