Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Unintentionally Repelling Prospects #277



Hello, welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we’re talking about how we can actually, without meaning to, repel our prospects from working with us. I know repel is a pretty strong word, am I right? And yet thinking about it, have you ever been in a situation where you met someone and their personality style, their approach, their method of communication, was so uncomfortable for you, so repelling for you — and quite frankly, they really weren’t doing anything wrong, they weren’t being rude, they weren’t being obnoxious, they were just being themselves. And so here is the challenge, we all have our personality style, our trades, our tendency, it’s just who we are, it’s the way we were born. And that can work for us, and it can also work against us. So I’m going to use myself as an example. On the DISC, which you're welcome to take on our website if you haven’t done so already, free DISC assessment right there under the free resource tab. I am a 99% D, 99% driver. So here’s the good thing about my personality,