Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Bored With Prospecting #288



Hello, it’s Debbie De Grote and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. So I got an email this morning that said, “Help! I'm bored by my prospecting.” So here's my advice, because you as your listening to this today, you might be saying, me too! I'm bored with my prospecting too. So the first thing I would suggest is stop saying that. You know, I remember something I read a long time ago and it said that an airline pilot had commented in a news article that their job was about 98% sheer boredom and about 2% sheer terror. So bottom line guys, anything that you do a lot, anything that is repetitious, anything that you get good at it and it becomes easy and routine, it's going to get a little bit boring. My broker once told me, let repetitious boredom become your friend. Expect it, embrace it and that you don't have to be every day having so much fun making those prospecting calls, instead you’re going to have fun with the result that it gives you, right? So as I’m making these calls and I’m telling myself stop it, you