Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Classic Closes #290



Hello, it’s Debbie De Grote and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. So today I wanted to talk about closing techniques, classic closes. You know I remember watching a video once and I can’t even remember who the author of this video was, it was many, many, years ago and they had all these different classic closing techniques. Techniques like reducing it to the ridiculous, major close on a minor issue, the take away close. And you know as I was thinking about all of these different closes and I thought okay, what is the number one best classic close that’s also the most effective? And bottom line, it’s the assumptive close. So what I mean by that is because you are very good at what you do, when someone reaches out to you and let's say for an example you come and list their home and you go and meet with them, why wouldn't you just assume that you're going to take that listing? And therefore, why wouldn’t you prepare all of the paperwork? And as you’re having the dialogue with that seller, why wouldn’t you say, “Wh