Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

The Promise Technique #293



Hello, welcome to Debbie’s Tips. I wanted to talk to you today about something called, The Promise Technique. Now, some of you may have had training on neuro-persuasion. We often call it NLP, Neuro Linguistic Persuasion/Programming, and it’s really nothing specifically created for real estate. It’s actually just very powerful words, phrases, and methods of communicating that motivate, inspire, and connect with people psychologically. Now, there is a technique called The Promise Technique that I learned as I went through some NLP training. It’s very simple, and I’ll tell you how to apply it to your business in a very practical way. So, here’s the thought behind it: When you get someone to promise you, about 90% of the time, most people will make an effort to keep that promise. So, how can that help us in the real estate industry? Well, have you ever gone on a listing appointment and a seller said to you, oh my goodness. Great meeting. You are so professional. I’m looking forward to working with you. Yes. Yes.