Murder-suicide Matinee

14 - The Nut Job



It's been a while, but the masochists are back -- and this episode we're going nutty over 2014's cranky animal heist movie The Nut Job. Sure, some people might have been over the fuzzy-animal-with-a-bad-attitude thing by the early 00s, and everyone was certainly over gangnam style by the end of 2012, but here's a movie bold enough to say nuts to that! We really get down to nuts and bolts in this one, I promise you, it's nut to be missed! Nuts! Special guest topics: skwurls, nuts, raccoon stalin, nuts, the grinch who stole christmas, nuts, our pitch for a special extended edition of the lord of the rings, and also nuts Movie: The Nut Job (2014) Director: Peter Lepeniotis Rating: nuts to it intro and outro music: “Everyone in Town Wants You Dead” by Singing Sadie Follow our tumblr ( for the latest in peanut industry insider tips. We're on iTunes! Rate and subscribe or Rosa will appear on your ceiling at midnight and curse you for a thousand years! (