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David Albritton, Nineteen88 Strategies | Ep #80



David Albritton's career has taken him from the US Naval Academy and serving in the Navy, to earning his way to the level of Chief Communications Officer at multiple corporations, and then serving as President of GM Defense. Some of his moves were planned and others were because of major business shifts, causing David to adjust more quickly. But when his adult daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia, David made the biggest shift by stepping back from his position at Amazon Web Services to focus on his daughter and grandchildren. In this episode, David tells how the Naval Academy has influenced his career, how he leads and how he looks left and right to those around him for knowledge, support and strength. He shares how his career moves were sometimes by choice and sometimes by chance - but at all times important to how the next move was shaped. Now leading his own coaching and consulting firm, David hopes to use those lessons to mentor and coach others as they navigate their careers. David's firm can be found at