Starfall Actual Play Podcast

Party Time



GM intro/flash back: Fifth crew just delivered weapons to park rangers on war-zod During that time, crew intended to guard space shuttle was ambushed by members of the church Gerry lost a hand A Thunder-bear went through the shuttle craft causing massive damage Also think there may be a Carsovax hidden somewhere in the ship, possibly eaten by the Thunder-bear but unconfirmed Carsovax = large man eating goannas with two legs, i.e. Gerry if you don’t feed him Mission was ultimately successful The entire planet lost electrical power No one knows why. Even Church was surprised. Therefore Church not involved. Only tech working was _______ Now back on Space station K-Run. Back on our ship. We get a message from Ambassador Griffin of War-Zod. He has a mission for us. He used to be the Governor of Turn-Out. Used to be a decent, shrewd politician.  ... He has to play nice with the Church. He has made clear that we have to avoid causing any trouble or interference with the Church. He has lunch with the Priest every da